This is an image of a 4"x5" section of one of the six drawings in The Clandestine Periphery, part of PICA's Time Based Art Festival.
Here are some links to what people have been writing about the project:
The Portland Mercury
PICA's Volunteer Blog on UrbanHonking
The Oregonian didn't like it much....
but they did get the title wrong.
TJ Norris' discussion of the Illusion/Anti-Illusion panel.
A few words in the Willamette Week
Some more from the Willamette Week
From the Daily Vanguard
Ultra PDX
Click here to listen to the Illusion/Anti-Illusion panel with Kristan Kennedy, Larry Bamburg and myself.
Over the week of August 6-13, a crew of volunteers and I logged a total of 160 hours to poke holes in the wall at Weiden and Kennedy. You can get an idea of the size of each drawing from these installation photographs:

The project was up through October 5th, 2007. On October 6th the walls were patched and painted, rendering the invisible mural forever invisible.